Who are Star-Essence Temple Members

Star-Essence Temple Members come from all backgrounds and beliefs and have come to know ourselves as Followers of the Living Christ, Lord Sananda is our Personal Inner Guide and Teacher and Rev. Alexandriah Stahr is His Chosen Messenger.

What some people refer to as the "The New Age" is actually spiritual seekers from every age who have always sought to discern the truth, through direct experience, rather then following the religious dogma of their time. Current accelerated human consciousness is seeking freedom from the MATRIX that controls and limits our access to the truth beyond our limited belief systems. Lord Sananda, the Christ Teacher for the Earth is ever present in the Christed Realms to assist us with this process. We as, Followers of the Living Christ, are actively seeking this re-union with our own souls Star-Essence, our Higher Selves and with Original Mother Creator Source to become the Followers of the Living Christ we were always meant to be.