Our Beliefs and Philosophy
The Star-Essence Temple of Living Light offers a non-denominational teaching which helps people contact and experience their own Star-Essence, the Living Light of the Soul and the unique identity of God within every person. Through the use of deep meditation, we can consciously contact our own soul essence with the assistance and direction of Lord Sananda, the Living Christ Teacher for the Earth.
The Star-Essence Temple of Living Light is located in Maricopa, Arizona and is a non-denominational spiritual center who welcomes people of all religious backgrounds and beliefs who are looking for a more direct experience of God in their lives.
We believe that we all create our lives through our choices and beliefs and must break through the limitations of our past life KARMA by shutting down the MATRIX within. Only then are we FREE to make a true connection with our soul and reconnect directly with Original Mother/Father Creator Source. Lord Sananda, as the Living Christ Teacher for the Earth is ever present in the Christed Realms waiting to “show us the way back home.”
Therefore, we teach the effective use of prayer, meditation with Lord Sananda and healing techniques to heal our negative beliefs and conditioning so that we may express our most positive and beneficial selves in the world. We glorify God by identifying and using our natural talents and abilities in service to ourselves and others. This is the whole purpose of Life.
The purpose of Star Essence Temple is to assist every individual to know themselves as conscious aware souls having a human experience, to clear their past life karma and get FREE from the MATRIX so that they can clearly and safely channel guidance and prophecy for themselves from their own soul’s essence with Lord Sananda acting as our Inner Christ Guide and Teacher. Through this inner relationship, we can gain dominion over our life circumstances through prayer, healing and self-revelation.
Temple Hierarchy
The image below expresses in simple terms "The Temple Hierarchy"......both the "Outer Temple," the outer structure of the church and the personal "Inner Temple" within us all.
Temple Hierarchy
The image below expresses in simple terms the "Inner Temple" relationship with Lord Sananda as
the Christ Teacher, Guide and Healer available to all of us if we make the effort to invite Him into our lives.
Annimated image of the I AM that I AM
as designed by the I AM Teachings
This images shows your lower self and soul essence connecting with your Higher Self
What is missing is Lord Sananda as the Christ Teacher to assist in making this connection.