Lord Sananda - Christ Teacher for the Earth
Lord Sananda is the Higher Self Name for the one we know as Jesus Christ who came to the Earth 2000 years ago to bring his message of the “Power of Love” to all of humanity. Lord Sananda, as Head of the Collective Christ and Christ Teacher for the Earth, is ever present in the Christed Realms. He speaks forth again, as he does in every generation, to update his "Teachings of the Power of Love” through his current messenger, Rev. Alexandriah Stahr, to those who seek to discern the truth behind our limited beliefs systems and the dogma that builds up over time. These teachings are about how to develop a relationship with Lord Sananda directly as your personal guide and teacher and how to be a Christed Being of Light on the Earth in human form. Lord Sananda is ever present to those who seek His guidance to lead the way beyond 2012 into the 13.13.13 Solar New Earth Reality.