Meditate with Lord Sananda, The Christ Teacher for the Earth

Lord Sananda resides in the Sananda Temple of Living Light ever present in the Christed Realms awaiting your call. 

He can help you to make conscious contact with your own Soul's Star-Essence, your Higher Self and ultimately to tune into the 

Christed Divine Plan of Original Mother/Father Creator Source so that you know your role in Returning the Earth to the Christ Vibration.

Star-Essence Temple Creed and Prayer to Lord Sananda

Say this simple prayer as a daily meditation to start you on your path 

connecting with your own Soul's Star-Essence and Higher Self with Lord Sananda as your guide.

"I seek to know the truth of my own Star-Essence and the I AM that I AM. 

 I call forth to Lord Sananda to show me the way and help me to discern the truth

behind the lies of my limited belief systems."

"I ask this now in the Name and the Way of the Christ and so it is. Thank You God!"