Rev. Alexandriah Stahr is the Founder and Pastor of Star-Essence Temple of Living Light based in Maricopa Arizona. She is the Voice and Messenger for Lord Sananda and is the driving force behind Star-Essence Temple and its teachings.
Rev. Alexandriah Stahr was called to this ministry in 1982 during a spontaneous spiritual awakening experience where Lord Sananda first visited her during her daily meditation. During this visitation, Lord Sananda instructed Alexandriah to found a new church through which Lord Sananda would give her new updated teachings and healing energies to assist humanity in getting Free from their Karmic Bondage and returning themselves and the planet to the Christ Vibration.
Originally called The Living Light Center, it was renamed Star-Essence Temple of Living Light as a 501 C-3 Church Organization to give form to her mission of bringing through this new teaching from Lord Sananda and her other Christed Angels and Guides who support Lord Sananda in his Mission as the Christ Teacher for the Earth. She has spent the last 30 years bringing forth the knowledge and healing energies for this new teaching that is relevant to the accelerated consciousness age we live in.
Rev. Alexandriah Stahr brings a vast wealth of knowledge and experience to those who choose be Followers of the Living Christ as directly inspired and guided by Lord Sananda to make Maricopa the home base for Star-Essence Temple of Living Light. She can and will assist you in understanding and healing the energetic cause behind all life experiences that block you from making a conscious connection with your own Soul's Star-Essence and then being able to tune into the Christed Divine Plan to Return the Earth and all Humanity to the Christ Vibration. Our planet is in crisis and it will take Christed Divine Intervention and Inspiration to correct our course. Lord Sananda is here to lead the way and Rev. Alexandriah Stahr is his Messenger, in human form, here to translate his message and is the driving force behind Star-Essence Temple of Living Light and its teachings.