House blessings, also known as house clearings, house cleansing’s, space clearing and house healing’s are spiritual rituals intended to clear out the negative energies and entities from a space and bring in new fresh energy to create light, harmony and protection to the inhabitants.
If you are noticing negatives energies or feelings in your home perhaps it is time to do a house blessing! Often times, dark or negative energies or spirits gather like dust bunnies and can negatively affect the people living there.
House Clearings and Blessings are highly recommended when moving into a new home, after a divorce or break up, death or any traumatic life event. Sometimes you just need to get the old energy out and start with a clean slate by removing old or negative energy out of the home. You may even want to consider a House Clearing and Blessing as something you do on an annual basis, especially if you yourself have gone through a lot of life changes. Think of it as “Spring Cleaning” on the spiritual level for your home.
If you’re moving into a new home or apartment and wish to bring in as much harmony as possible, it is smart to perform some type of House Clearing and Blessing on your new residence. Locations can hold the energy of previous owners or events that have happened there. Houses reflect the energy of the people who live in them. Over the life of a house, many people come and go and the energy of those who lived there are left behind until it is cleared out. Don’t take chances. While moving time is often stressful and busy, try to set one day aside before moving in so that you can cleanse the house on a spiritual level just as you would clean the house on a physical level before moving in.
Rev. Alexandriah Stahr has over 30 years’ experience with healing people from their past karmic issues. Houses have karmic issues too and may not show up until you have been in the house for a few months and you notice that you still dont "feel" at home or it still doesn't "feel like yours" or even that your life has taken a turn in a different direction and you don't know why. When people tell me their story of what is going on in their life, I always ask about their current residence, who lives with them and how long they have lived there. I always recommend House Clearings and Blessings as one of the first steps to doing any other type of spiritual work. It sets our work together on a new foundation. Although your home is supposed to be an extension of yourself, it cant really be yours until it is cleared of the previous owners energies and filled with fresh new energy that represents you and your desires for you and your family. Call to schedule a House Clearing and Blessing with Rev. Alexandriah Stahr to truly make your house your home and temple.